Neuroscience: Cellular and Molecular Major

研究神经系统的结构和功能的细胞和分子方面 Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience: Cellular and Molecular in the College of Science and Technology at Temple University. Through this 123-credit-hour interdisciplinary undergraduate degree, you’ll investigate cell structure, circuits, development, electrical properties, 信号和组织,以更好地了解神经系统如何整合多细胞生物. You can pursue careers and graduate degrees in biochemistry, biophysics, biomedical sciences, biotechnology, dentistry, medicine and pharmacy, 或者在政府机构和大学实验室从事研究工作.

加深你对系统中主要细胞成分的复杂组成的好奇心,了解它们是如何相互沟通并对外界做出反应的. 神经科学专业的学生将通过本专业的必修课探索神经科学和相关主题, which range from Systems Neuroscience and Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience to  Research Techniques in Molecular Biology and Neural Basis of Behavior. 学生将学习学习和记忆、运动协调、反射和感觉处理. 课程强调细胞和分子水平的神经处理, 在项目的最后一年完成一门研究课程. At the completion of this program, students should have a rich understanding of the structural and functional levels of organization in the nervous system; the development of this system; and the current tools and paradigms of research in the field.  

学院最先进的实验室和研究中心为您提供了在课程的第一年就与教师一起进行尖端研究的机会. You'll continue to perform research through the final year, when you will present your results at a departmental symposium.


Classes & Curriculum

通过必修课和选修课的结合,你可以拓宽自己的知识面. These courses include

  • 18 required biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics courses;
  • 5 required neuroscience electives; and
  • 2 neuroscience research or independent study courses. 

Some of the required courses are

  • Cell Structure and Function,
  • Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, and
  • Systems Neuroscience.


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Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 理学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. Learn more about our tuition and fees.

These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $22,224.00 per year
Out-of-state: $36,624.00 per year


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